How I Earn $500 A Day! | 5 Streams of Income (Passive & Active)

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How I Earn $500 A Day! | 5 Streams of Income  (Passive & Active)
Let’s talk about Money, Kudi, Ego, Owo, How’s it  going guys, it’s Fisayo here and in this video,  
we’re going to be talking about passive income,  and as the title says, I’ll be breaking down how  
you can earn $500 a day legitimately with what  I’m about to show you and what has worked for  
me. This video is not being created with the  intention to boast about anything, however I  
only want to show you what’s possible and how you  can learn from my small successes and mistakes. 
If you’re looking for get rich quick schemes,  don’t watch this video, it’s not for you. I  
recently put out a video on some apps that I used  to save and invest to earn $10,000 in a year and  
that’s linked below but this is more detailed and  more skill based. A lot of the feedback from that  
video was that I should talk more in detail about  finances and that’s one of the many reasons I’m  
making this video. I’m hoping to help you answer  some questions as well as hopefully challenge you.  
Before we move on, I’d love it if you could  hit that like button so that you can help  
more people discover these methods and you will  be helping them help this get discovered. That  
made sense in my head. Anyway without further ado,  welcome to what we’ll be calling Finance Fridays!

how to earn money Graphic Design

The first stream of income I want to talk about is  Graphic Design. I’ve said this a lot of times on  

the channel. I was primarily and still practice  as a graphic designer. I mainly specialized in  
one kind of design which is User Interface Design.  I designed apps, websites, magazines, books,  
posters basically any design that involves a lot  of text and something people would read about.  
I did and still sometimes do that today are in a  digital age with social media apps everywhere and  
companies are trying to stand out with creative  communications in form of a beautiful design,  
why not be the person they need for that?  Designers are one of the highly demanded  
people in the creative space, To do this would  require you to practice a set of skills which  
I always recommend starting with typography,  that is learning how text and fonts work,  
for lack of a better explanation and I’ll leave a  link to the course that helped me get way better.  
It’s by a professor of type called Ina Saltz,  and it really changed my life for real. I would  
have loved to show you some of my designs but many  are under NDAs or Non Disclosure Agreements but, if you want to see me break down some of my design  work and processes, 
I used to earn up to about  $14,000 in 6 months or almost 2,300 a month,  I could get clearance and share with you guys in a another Finance Friday video. Like this video  and comment below if that’s something you want  to see. 
Anyway in summary, for my graphic design  work, during my peak times, I could earn somewhere  
between $77 a day to $200 dollars a day and  sometimes it can be way higher but this is just  
a modest average. Infact, a friend of mine, Joshua  Oluwagbemiga or JoAccord who works with Invision is one of the best designers for user interfaces  that I know, he doesn’t watch my videos though  but he’s a super dope designer and he can  actually earn tens of thousands of dollars  
because his skill level is way beyond expert at  this point. That’s what happens when you put the  
time in. I’ll leave a link to his dribble  page or portfolio in the description below.

Video Production

The next thing I got into was video production and  photography. Some of the clients I had when I was  

primarily a graphic designer also needed 3 things  one was photo editing with photoshop, taking  
pictures for their website and making a video that  would be graphically inclined and would further  
communicate their message or promote them so that  they can make sales. I thought this was a great  
opportunity and took to learning. I took a lot  of courses and kept practicing day and night and  
that’s the thing. For skill based things like  graphic design, coding and videos, the more you  
practice, the better you become. Truly. I tried  my hands with video production and made videos for  
clients and friends for free, and this helped me  become better. At the time, I was still employed  
so I offered to create videos for the company even  though I was mainly a graphic designer and social  
media manager then, I created videos that would  promote the brand as well which I got to learn  
a lot from. I’ll also leave a link to a resource  that is super super useful on LinkedIn Learning. 

Another thing many of my clients did ask for  after my design work especially for websites  
was coding. I don’t know how to code, I  wish I did but thankfully I had friends  
that I could work with and I’ll be able to earn  a commission from that as well when I refer them.
Alright so give or take, for video editing and  dabbling in photography here and there, I’m able  
to make around 80 to 160 dollars a day or 2,000  to 5,000 dollars in a month. But like everything  
else, if you put your mind to it and commit  yourself, you can actually hit really high numbers  
so you shouldn’t limit yourself. You can learn a  lot from YouTube if you can’t afford to pay for  
resources on Linkedin Learning. I love linkedin  learning because it’s people with years of  
experience like professors that teach on there and  they categorize it in order for you. That’s one of  
the places I even learned music theory and started  dabbling in to making some music. However, YouTube is a super huge FREE platform and great resource.  Which is where we’re having this conversation.


Now, this next section is for content creation,  which I’m sure you’ve all been probably waiting  
for… or not.. I’ll talk about my foray into  YouTube with the next 3 sources of passive  
income. My journey through life sort of moved  past me being overly hands on or exchanging  
my time for money into putting in the time  and compounding it. Now, I still have to  
learn alot, I still read at least one book every  week so that’s something I try to dedicate my  
time to in order to grow because once you feel  like you know everything, you begin to decline.  
Also if this video has been useful to you so far,  do hit that like button and hit the subscribe  
button + the bell icon beside it so you’ll  be the first to know when I post a new video.

Make money online Affiliate Revenue

Alright, let’s talk about Affiliate Revenue,  this is when you recommend a product or service  
to people and when they click to purchase, you get  a small commission from that. This is actually the  
smallest portion for me because I didn’t usually  do a great job of posting the links to my tech  
items in the description or the tech I have can’t  really generate much revenue or can’t even be  
linked at all, but the few ones I did, actually  did get purchased and in total, I was able to make  
about $337 and 66 cents and when you spread it out  within the months, it gets so low and some times  
I can get $11 a month. It’s not the most stable.  I also mentioned that I loved to read and I also  
love Audible, the audio book platform which  I’ve been using for years, so for instance,  
if you used my Audible Link in the description  to sign up, you would get 30 days for free and  
would only start paying after the free trial  expires and I would get a tiny commission.  
This can be useful for people who also have  Podcasts and want to support their shows,  
if you can get people to sign up as well you both  benefit and I think Audible is one of the better  
audiobook platforms in my opinion because I’ve  bought around 30 audiobooks on there as well.
Another source of affiliate revenue for me is  also Musicbed. Which I’m quite grateful for being  
their first ambassador in all of  Africa. I’ve also partnered with them  
for years now and Musicbed is a company that helps  creatives get very great songs to use in their  
music productions and things like that. So let’s  say you’re making a video, and you needed a song  
that would go great with that video, you can just  browse their selection and they do feature well  
renowned artists. If you, again, use my link  for a subscription and get a couple of songs,  
we also get paid while you get to use  dope music on your videos, you’re welcome.
I’ve also tried out Jumia affiliates here in  Nigeria but it’s also been a little hazy in  
terms of commissions. In total, affiliate revenue  would account for about $2 per day to $17 per day  
on great days and about $11  per month to $517 per month,  
this one is the most unpredictable  because not everyone buys via your link  
but if they do, they could be supporting  your channel or platform big time.

Make money online YouTube

Now, my 4th source of passive income is YouTube,  this Channel you’re currently watching on. So  
as you may or may not know, I try  to make the best videos I possibly  
can to create interesting thought pieces about  smartphones and apps, or just gadgets I like  
and can get a hold of in general. I’ve been making  YouTube videos for over 4 years now. I would say  
making videos on YouTube does require a certain  amount of skill where you need to learn about  
concepts you’re trying to talk about and make a  video of. Essentially something you’re interested  
in and can’t get bored of talking about. For  me it’s tech and some aspects of finance.  
I like to think about this platform as a portal  for Entertainment or Education but it’s much  
broader than that. Let me explain, Alot of  people come on here to watch funny videos,  
interesting vlogs, music videos and celebrity  topics, and more things along that line, those are  
entertaining and on the other spectrum, a video  like this about how you can make some money, or  
just a tutorial in general, science videos, my own  tech review videos and the likes, are categorized  
as educational videos where you hope to gain some  knowledge or be informed about a certain topic.  
Of course, this isn’t a hard and fast rule,  there are many many categories but these are just  
broad points. 
The way people make money on  YouTube is by the views and the advertisers.  
Let me break it down. YouTube as a platform  has many creators and viewers which is why  
advertisers who want people to see their  products or services pay YouTube and  
creators share that money with YouTube where  the creator gets 55% and YouTube gets 45%.
If a video gets 20,000 views for instance, and the  advertiser says for every 1,000 views they want to  
pay $10 because that’s how much they value 1,000  people watching their ads. This is what is called  
CPM or Cost Per Mille, where mille means 1,000  so cost per thousand. Because of that if 20,000  
people viewed the video and the ads, we divide the  total views by 1,000 to get 20 so the advertiser  
pays 20 x 10 which 200 dollars and the creator  keeps 110 dollars while YouTube keeps 90 dollars.
In Nigeria however, advertisers pay like a dollar,  1 dollar per thousand so it largely depends on  
your region. Where people are watching. If you’ve  got viewers from countries like the US where  
advertisers spend a lot on promoting on YouTube,  the CPM could be as high as $20 per thousand so  
that same 20,000 views can make around $400 where  the creator would keep 55% of that which is $220 compared to $110 or if you’re from Nigeria,  maybe $11. From the same 20,000 views.  
I am from Nigeria and it’s not always the  nicest when it comes to revenue however,  
for the month of February, as you can see on  the screen we made about $1,800 in a month  
which roughly translates to $60 per day and this  can go as high as $130 a day for me depending on  
how good the video does but it’s very  rare especially since it’s Nigeria.

Branded / Sponsored Content 

Last but not the least l source of income is  sponsored content. This is where a company or brand directly pays you to talk about their  product or service where they believe you can  share to as many people. 

This can happen when  a brand thinks you’ve got an engaging audience in form of followers or subscribers and  they want to get in front of those people. For me, this can range anywhere  between 1 million to 3 million in a month and that’s Naira, not in  dollars, I wish that could be in dollars but  
hey…..anyway at this time, it’s a range of $2,000  to $6,000 approximately per month. This is where I  
talked about products like DSTv, MTN, and the  likes, which I’m very fortunate to work with  
thanks to you guys’ constant support. None of  this would even be possible if you don’t watch and I’m very humbled by it. One of the channel’s long  time partner is Union Bank of Nigeria, I’ve worked with them for over a year now and they also have  opportunities for even more people to make money.
They recently launched their M36 app  which shows you investment options like  
Treasury Bills where you can invest for a period  of time and get up tp 2.4% in interest. The  
Federal Government Bonds in Nigeria which can make  you 12.75% for a much longer period of 2 years and some months. There are also Guaranteed  Investments Funds to earn up to 5% back,  
The commercial paper from Guiness Nigeria,  Dangote Cement and Nigerian Breweries which  
can net you up to 2.3% in returns for a shorter  period than Treasury Bills and you can also Fix  
Deposits. This was similar to the video I did  early this year about savings and investing and  
in fact one of the things I did was to get  US dollars at the official rate in Nigeria,  
what does this mean? Well instead of me to pay 1.9  million to get $4,000 at the black market rate,  
I paid 1.5 million to get the same $4,000  and saved a whopping 400,000 Naira.  
At the time I was only able to do it with Union  Bank, the other banks kind of disappointed me but  
there’s a thing called Personal Travel Allowance  where if you’re about to travel and you truthfully  
have proof, I paid for my ticket and everything.  I was able to access the PTA and businesses,  
they BTA (or Business Travel Allowance) where you  can get $5,000 at the official rate, as far as  
you have good reason. This was one of the hacks I  didn’t mention in that video earlier and it was a  
timely life saver for me. It can also be done on  their app as well as even getting loans and even  
speaking to a wealth manager. I’ll leave links  to download the app in the description below.


In total, thing brings it to about  $430 at a minimum to $701 dollars at a maximum a day and I just stuck  to the mid point at $500 A day. I want to mention that some of these  earnings are before taxes, I have a tax adviser and I’m taking a chunk of this to pay  for taxes. If you’re in Lagos state where I am,  you have the personal income tax, the LIRS  (aka Lagos State Internal Revenue Service) and Federal Income taxes for the corporate  side or FIRS (Federal Inland Revenue Service).In the US, this is simply the IRS, or Inland  Revenue Service. I’ll leave a link to the LIRS platform and once you pay your tax, you should get  an email like this. For the Federal Income Taxes,  Nigeria has made it somewhat easy for small  and medium businesses so if you earn less than 25 million Naira or 52,000 dollars in a year,  you won’t need to pay company income taxes so you’ll only pay your VAT (or Value Added Tax) and  that’s 7.5%. This is how the VAT Form Looks like.
having a stable job or working for yourself and  having to deal with multiple clients where the  
income varies. Many people will pick being an  entrepreneur or working for yourself as more  
risky because you kind of don’t know what can  happen next exactly. Business might not come.  
Which is very true. The well can dry up. However,  as an employee, you’re guaranteed a salary at the  
end of the month. Now, the point I was trying  to make is that, if the employee gets fired,  
for any reason, and they don’t have  any other source, everything is gone, but an entrepreneur with multiple  clients or multiple streams of income might be able to afford losing 1 of  them, or 2 because there are options.
Alright that’s pretty much it for my video, let  me know your thoughts in the comments below. Do  
you guys have any questions, please let me know.  Again if you found this video useful in anyway  
at all, let me know by hitting that like button,  not only are you helping the channel, you’re also  
helping others get this video discovered so they  can gain the same amount of value. Also consider  
subscribing to the channel. Thank you so much  for watching and I’ll see you in the next one.

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