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How To Get Free Crypto In 2022 | Earn Free 2022 BTC

  •  now for today we have something special
  • complete strategy for you which i'm
  • willing to share right now i will lay
  • out all the steps so you can do the same
  • thing just make sure that you pay
  • attention now a lot of money can be made
  • like this and honestly if i can do it
  • you can do it as well stick with me and
  • let's get this started also please like
  • the video when you get the chance
  • because it really helps me thank you so
  • first of all guys we need an instagram
  • account guys we need instagram and
  • that's gonna help us to make some money
  • today because instagram as you know a
  • lot of traffic is there and we're gonna
  • take advantage of it now you will need
  • to make your own page so make yourself a
  • new instagram page not your personal one
  • you gotta make a professional
  • job-related instagram page which is
  • gonna get you a lot of money guys and
  • i'll show you the way in which you can
  • connect few websites in order to get
  • yourself some dollars guys some very
  • nice profit and there is a lot of
  • opportunity in this and i encourage you
  • to stay on and listen to this and you
  • can do it as well while you are watching
  • the videos so you don't forget any of
  • these steps because they are all really
  • really important now first of all when
  • you create yourself an instagram account
  • you will have to put your username and i
  • suggest that you put something like free
  • crypto world or free crypto or

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  • generating crypto and in the bio as well
  • you will put something like generating
  • crypto tips and tricks or you can put
  • like earning 100
  • per day or something like that and
  • that's gonna get attention from most of
  • the people out there because a lot of
  • people want some crypto and they want it
  • for free and that's what we offer guys
  • that's really how it works and next
  • thing that i want you to do guys is i
  • want you to go on this page this
  • instagram page this is crypto com
  • official and as you know this is
  • it's the staple of the
  • internet when it comes to
  • cryptocurrencies and i want you to visit
  • them and click here on their followers
  • guys and now what i want you to do you
  • just want to follow this one follow
  • follow follow follow follow each one of
  • their followers and they're gonna follow
  • you back guys because once they see your
  • username as something like that they're
  • gonna be like oh what is this let's
  • follow this guy back and see if we can
  • get some crypto for ourselves and they
  • can too guys because you're gonna get
  • some crypto as well and they can get it
  • if you do this right if you complete all
  • the steps today you will not only earn
  • some crypto for yourself but you will
  • help others to make crypto for
  • themselves as well as i'm doing right
  • now so stay close with me and let's go
  • to the step number two now this here is
  • warrior plus guys it is over at
  • and it is a very very
  • popular affiliating website which is
  • very very profitable they are very easy
  • to understand and as you can see you can
  • just create your free account in 60
  • seconds it's pretty fast you will just
  • find or offer products on this website
  • and then you will build your business
  • and you will scale it up as the time
  • goes by and as you can see some of these
  • features are really nice guys you have
  • everything laid out for you here you
  • don't have to learn nothing about
  • affiliating or anything you just have to
  • come here and create your free account
  • and then you will connect it in a way
  • that i will show you a bit later and you
  • will get a lot of money guys i get a lot
  • of money with this so let's continue
  • with this strategy just click on free
  • sign up over here and now just enter in
  • your username your password and email
  • address and click on this captcha
  • completed but just make sure that you
  • enter a valid email address because
  • they're gonna send you a confirmation
  • link and you need to do that in order to
  • start with this and now once you're on
  • the inside this is how it looks this is
  • your marketplace as you can see this is
  • your affiliate section you can go on
  • dashboard and see what do you have right
  • now but what is important guys is that
  • you go over to marketplace and you go to
  • top products now here you can see a list
  • of top products and you can affiliate
  • for any of these if you have special
  • interest in any of these niches but we
  • want to do it in crypto guys so that's
  • what we're gonna search for so for
  • example this here one this plr 2022 top
  • online directories or this plr and ft's
  • discovery that's nfts that's all related
  • to crypto just choose what you want guys
  • there are a lot of offers it doesn't
  • matter for this example and once you
  • click on it you will see the certain
  • offer you will see what it's about and
  • it's important to you to know what this
  • is about because you need to know about
  • what you're selling to people so you can
  • be able to sell it in a much higher
  • quality because you're introduced to it
  • and you know what it's all about and
  • once you do that guys so whatever you do
  • just click here on affiliates and click
  • on offers here and now find that special
  • one which you have decided for and just
  • click here on request button so it
  • doesn't matter which one of these you
  • choose you will choose for yourself just
  • click on request button and then click
  • on request approval and they will
  • approve you in a matter of 10 hours or
  • something like that and you will get
  • your special affiliate link for it guys
  • and that's all it is for this step and
  • now because we want that link to look
  • sweet and don't look ugly and long we're
  • going to use bitly and just copy and
  • paste your link in this box here and
  • click on shorten and that's gonna look a
  • bit better of course and now guys you
  • want to go back to instagram and paste
  • that link here into this box which says
  • website and that's it guys click on
  • submit and that's it now this is your
  • affiliate link on your instagram page
  • which is gonna be visible just like this
  • link is visible on their
  • webpage and all of these people are
  • gonna follow you back well not all but
  • 70 of them will follow you back once
  • they see that you have followed them and
  • also this here crypto crunch news is a
  • good traffic source as you can see 500
  • 000 followers so if you click here and
  • follow all of these as well nearly 70
  • of these people are gonna follow you
  • back because they're gonna see your
  • username and they're gonna see that you
  • offer free crypto for them but what you
  • wanna do guys now is that you take some
  • bitcoin picture or ethereum or crypto in
  • general and make a first post over here
  • and just write something about crypto
  • and also paste your affiliate link in
  • the description as well because once
  • these people see that you follow them
  • now what's the first thing that they're
  • gonna do well they're gonna check your
  • profile that's the first thing that you
  • do whenever someone follows you right so
  • they will check your profile they will
  • see that you've got good bio here that
  • you get good profile picture and that
  • you got some posts here about bitcoin
  • and everything and then they're gonna
  • see your website here and then they're
  • gonna click on it they're gonna make one
  • of these purchases here and you will
  • earn yourself a commission guys and
  • that's enough for you living one month
  • so each month you can get a lot of money
  • guys you can pay your bills you can
  • spend on whatever you want but this here
  • can get you a lot of money guys trust me
  • a lot of money is here and there are a
  • lot of people using this as well so
  • trust me guys a lot of money is in here
  • a lot of profit so you can do it as well
  • now just remember to use your niche so
  • you can for example make another
  • instagram account which is for example
  • related to instagram views for some
  • fiverr jobs or some other social media
  • management tools like for youtube or
  • something it doesn't matter really as
  • you can see there are a lot of these
  • offers so there is really something for
  • everyone as you can see 9 000 offers
  • here so that's a pretty high number and
  • guys trust me all you have to do is
  • invest some of your free time follow
  • these steps and just be patient about it
  • just be patient until all those
  • followers come to you and they start
  • turning their traffic into money and
  • that money is gonna go to you guys that
  • money is gonna go here to your wallet
  • plus wallet and you're gonna be making
  • yourself some passive income which is
  • incredible really incredible profit guys
  • i highly suggest that you go out there
  • take some action and i'll catch you guys

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