How to Make $11,000 dollars income in 30 days From Writing

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How to Make $11,000 dollars income in 30 days From Writing

How to Make $11,000 dollars income in 30 days From Writing

In the beginning I wasted a lot of time doing podcasts and promoting my work to an audience that I didn't earn.

Wherever you start, you need to find your unique way to combine your niche, your voice and your sentences.

There is no alternative to self-writing. If I could go back in time and do one thing differently, as Marty McFly did back in the future, it would be to stop being distracted by nonsense and just write.

The reason we skipped the article is because it's the hardest bit. Writing, though, made me $ 11,000 in 30 days - nothing more. 

Format your work like a professional

My first articles were huge walls of text — even if you saw a bee's penis from 100 meters away, you wouldn't be able to see where a sentence started and ended.

Insert lots of white space between your sentences. Use high-quality images and take the time to find the right photo to match your article - remember, an image you choose is a statement like a word.

If I went back to the beginning I would use a much bigger, brighter and scroll-stopping image. I would also take off my safety pants and use more bold, picture-breaking tools in the text.

The key to these tools though is balance. You can overdo it with these tools and it is twice as bad as not using them.

  1. With formatting, see the work of professionals if you feel lazy.
  2. Making money

Once you get the right to make money from writing, the ways to do it are fairly straightforward. But they are often hidden in the dark by people who like to take money from you to let you know how they monetize their words.

Here's how to make money from writing:

A given column

If you write long enough, your work will be noticed. Larger publications pay good authors to publish exclusive articles on their websites.

Some pay monthly and others pay per article. So far, I've only been paid for each article, but I know of a few authors who are paid a monthly fee (retainer) for writing.

Medium to money

Medium has a partner program where they will pay anyone regardless of their experience based on their involvement in the article.

It may be only a few dollars at first, but most importantly: getting even 10 10 per month from Medium makes you a paid writer and your mood swings are incredibly powerful.

Ghost writing

Boy, is this hidden and not something you can Google. It’s the secret dark art of the writers world that many big names don’t want you to know.

All these CEOs, entrepreneurs, leaders and influential people often have someone who writes ghostly for them. If you're good at writing and don't get paid for it for a fool's errand, this is a way for a proven writer with experience to earn some simple, running cash.

These opportunities will come directly to you and you can also find them by sending direct messages to people who post a lot on platforms like LinkedIn and Instagram. Don’t spam them with sales pitch and focus directly on sending a link to your writing with “I can do it for you”.


One of the biggest hurdles for the writing business. They all have to do it and many of them do not have the time or talent to do it.

Without much effort, if you write eyeballs, businesses will come to you for help. You can consult with them to find the author, map out the content and inspire them to continue.

When I receive these offers directly, I try my best to use the pickle. Saying something like “I have a few key articles (links provided) on how I do this and I also offer part-time advice for those who need more. Which option makes sense to you?

It is soft, gentle, non-arrogant and, above all, helpful. If you're lost and don't know how to turn searches into suggestions, copy and paste the text above.

One-to-one coaching

Writing helps you to give voice and it can also help you to become a teacher. Some people are totally happy that you are taught by free writing words and it is totally good.

Other people want to go deeper and not just seek your advice; They want you to hold them accountable, another way to say they want you to train them.

Anyone can be a trainer and writing is a way to become one and pay for it. My first few clients were not charged anything so that I could gain experience and figure out how to build it.

My coaching structure ended up looking like this:

  1. A free consultation in advance to make sure I was suitable for the client and they were suitable for me
  2. The ten-week portion of the coaching is paid in advance through PayPal
  3. A specific area to cover each week
  4. One to two homework tasks for the client each week
  5. At the end of ten weeks a fFinal evaluation
  6. A soft offer to continue after ten weeks if it makes sense (sometimes it doesn't)
  7. Speaking at the event for a fee

When you develop a voice, people we want you to take that extra step again and help their teams - sports teams, leadership teams, business teams, nonprofits - with your knowledge and experience.

The price range for this varies greatly and a lot of it comes down to how good you are at negotiating. I’m going to be completely transparent and say I’ve been offered anywhere from $ 5000- $ 10,000 to talk up to sixty minutes.

Someone I know gets $ 20,000- $ 40,000 per hour, plus business class flights and five-star accommodation. I know there is another friend who is just starting out and gets a talk $ 500.

The price range is endless but it is another way to make money from writing.

An online course

I launched one last month and it flops - and I wrote about it because it was 100% my fault. With that aside, you can still make good money by helping newcomers to your skills.

I created a course a few years ago that did quite well and often it comes down to how good the subject you are teaching is.

Like most of the advice in this article, don't overdo it, okay?

YouTube ads

Many writers become vulgar as another way of expressing themselves. If you really want to be creative, you can embed your own videos in your writing as another tool to connect with the audience.

YouTube works best to have a long game and a very deep and narrow niche. If you can pump a lot of 5-10 minutes of video per week, a year or so later, you can make money from it through advertising.

At the beginning of this article I promised that you would not sell the dream too much, so I would like to add one thing: YouTube is one of the most difficult games to play with how long the platform lasts. Getting views is not easy, so you really have to be dedicated to it, otherwise stick to writing.

Well-paid writers have a lot of the following

A final bit of advice is not to forget the soft skills.

  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Generosity

These skills take you from earning $ 1000 per month, to a decent, 11,000. No one wants to read the work of a writer who falls in love with himself and thinks his shit doesn't stink.

Be yourself in all its glory.

This way you can earn $ 11,000 in 30 days

All that's left is to ask yourself if you want to do the same thing - because you can do it.

If a skinny guy from Australia without grammar or spelling skills can earn $ 11,000 in 30 days, you can too.

Remember to be helpful and enjoy the process more than the money.

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