Food and Mental Well-Being

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The name on the front of the package is not enough if the use of super-manipulated food sources is not reduced.

Food varieties are characterized by their nutritional structure, but additionally by the level of manipulation that is urgent to determine the overall well-being potential of foods. Its marking on the names would subsequently help customers to choose more carefully.

These are the consequences of the Italian concentrate by the Department of Epidemiology and Prevention at the I.R.C.C.S. Neuromed from Pozzilli as a team with the University of Insubria in Varese and Como, the University of Catania and Mediterranea Cardiocentro in Naples. The review was distributed in the British Medical Journal, which additionally devoted an article to the work, and examined what part of nutrition best characterizes the gamble with mortality.

Specialists followed more than 22,000 individuals participating in the Moli-sani study for a relatively long time, checked their health status and linked it to dietary habits, taking into account both the healthy structure of the diet and the level of food handling.

"However, when we weighed both the overall healthy eating pattern and the level of coping against each other, it became clear that the latter aspect was crucial in characterizing the mortality hazard. In fact, north of 80% of the foods of the variety that Nutri-Score identified as undesirable are also super-processed This suggests that the widespread hazard in mortality is not expected directly (or solely) to the poor nutritional nature of certain items, but instead to the way these types of foods are generally super-processed.

"It is estimated that one in five passages on the planet is caused by unfortunate weight control plans, a total of 11 million passages every year - review by Augusto Di Castelnuovo, specialist of the Mediterranean Cardiocenter in Naples - This is the reason for the further development of eating habits is the highest point of reducing the needs general welfare organizations and legislatures around the planet."

A suggestion to help people make better food decisions is to use a front-of-pack naming framework for trade items. They are currently involved in several European countries, such as France and Spain, based on a deliberate assumption, the European Commission is currently analyzing front-of-pack labels to adopt an appropriate and mandatory nutrition naming plan in all member states. Created in France, Nutri-Score is listed as number one. This framework shows the healthy nature of a food (for example, based on fat, salt, fiber, etc.) using a five-point scale (from light green to dull orange) associated with the letters A toe.

However, a healthy slice is not the ingredient you should think about when checking the relationship between diet and well-being. Specifically, rather than rating foods based on healthy qualities, the NOVA grouping examines how much an item has been manipulated, generally at a modern level.

NOVA explicitly recognizes putative varieties of super-manipulated foods, such as food sources produced to some extent or together with substances not commonly used in the kitchen (hydrolysed proteins, maltodextrins, hydrogenated fats, etc.), which for the most part contain various added substances such as are dyes, additives, cell reinforcements, anti-caking specialists, flavor enhancers and sugars. This classification includes the usual suspects: sweet and carbonated drinks, pre-heated products and spreads. Still, the items should clearly be considered super processed without guilt. This is the situation of crackers, some morning cereals, wafers and natural yogurt.

According to the NOVA framework, proposed 10 years ago by a group of Brazilian scientists, a piece of natural meat is more grounded than a hamburger for veggie lovers, essentially in light of the fact that the former has not passed modern scrutiny and may not. they do not contain food additives, while the last option is the result of the declared modern treatment, the level of the whole food is insignificant in the final treatment.

"The goal is certainly to help individuals focus on making better food decisions," says Licia Iacoviello, director of the department and professor of hygiene at the University of Insubria in Varese and Como. "In any case, the Nutri-Score, as well as other naming frameworks, created in Italy and in different nations, only to some extent advance the message pointing to the further development of food decisions. While the letters and shades of the Nutri-Score can serve to quickly compare items that have a place with a similar class, and allow individuals to choose the best one according to a healthy point of view, they do not give any indication of the degree of food manipulation.For this reason, we accept in agreement with various scientists around the world that any nutritional labeling framework should be coordinated with data about the degree of manipulation.

"In order to have a really effective counter-action technique, we will focus on those food sources that Nutri-Score orders as healthy from a dietary point of view, but which are also exceptionally processed - makes sense Giuseppe Grosso, academic partner at the University of Catania - This is the situation for example in certain beverages that, although reduced in sugar and thus nutritionally satisfactory to earn a B in the Nutri-Score, are actually heavily processed. on the other hand, even several kinds of yogurts and sausages, which have a low fat content, despite the fact that they contain a full amount of added substances."

"The normal shortcoming of all front-of-pack labeling frameworks is that they separate the solitary food from the regular menu," suggests Giovanni de Gaetano, president of IRCCS Neuromed in Pozzilli. "To really advance nutrition further, we should return to the old example of the Mediterranean eating routine, which is a way of life described by a discerning selection of food sources and a way of combining and eating them. It is anything but a shopping list." , yet it reflects an exceptionally old history that the dangers disappear if we consider food as particles that don't talk to each other. We should also remember that the diet of Mediterranean individuals is basically based on new or marginally manipulated items. should be an effective preventive technique

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